
Manny Acta got Served!!!

I attended last nights depressing Nationals game. Shawn Hill once again demonstrated that he is not up to pitch right now, but that was not what prompted me to write this entry. Dimitri Young, Dukes, and Lopez play were crazy lazy. Lo Duca left because of light headedness. One fan claimed Lo Duca puked in left field, I missed that and cannot confirm. Forgive me while I question his feeling like crap, its not nice, but after watching the pathetic display on the field the whole thing stinks. What prompted me to write this were the words of a young baseball fan sitting behind me, the kid could not have been more than 5 or 6 years old. His words were a reply to Hill (a righty pitcher) walking (intentionally) a lefty hitter early in the game with 2 outs, and men on second and third.

"He has no home runs!"

Those words were true - the hitter had no home runs. I am not going to question the whole, walking a lefty to get a righty stuff, but the Nats were already in the hole 6 runs at that point. We were certainly not fighting to take the lead given the score. The words brought a rare smile to my face, and those around us, in a game that was complete torture. I would rather watch KKK-Clint ignore anyone of color in his stupid little give-aways than watch the Nats dog it like they did last night. What stuck with me is that such a young fan could be so right in calling out the Nats and Manny Acta. That kid should be dreaming of catching foul balls, and a Nats comeback, not accepting the reality of his team. How can we let this happen!? Its painful to watch and I blame the entire Nats organization for destroying that little boys evening. Even if he did have fun, he should not be forced to face the harsh reality - the Nats suck.

The Nats could have at least dive and run - make some of those little effort plays that sometimes make all the difference, but they didn't. They strained, struggled, possibily even puked but forgot the most important thing of all - their job, which incase any Nats are reading is to play ball. We remind them every night right before the game, so 'PLAY BALL' Nationals, win lose, just play ball already. The DL excuse is getting pathetic, this is your team, your season, and your crappy record. Frank Robinson never would have let you get this bad.

That's right, this is pay back for pissing on our hall of fame manager - Frank Robinson. Frank would have made sure that if nothing else guys made the effort. I like what you can do when the Nats are winning, Manny, but REAL managers bring their team through these situations with class and respect for the game. The Angels pulled their best hitter because they saw the same thing a little boy did - a bunch of pansies in baseball uniforms.



Healthy-er Living? Hey they make a pill for that!

After 18 or so years I have quit smoking. At least I think I quit. Once something gets a hold of you, like smoking, when can you say you actually quit? In a year, two, when I die? Screw it, at some point I am going to have a smoke, you know it, I know it, even Philip Morris knows it. The real question is will said future smoke send me back to where I was just a few weeks ago - sucking on camel lights like I could get a new pair of lungs with enough camel cash. And the answer is no, N-O, I am done with smoking. Because it was killing me? Nope. Because it was killing others around me? Nope, some of them I was doing a favor. I figured out there were three reasons I smoked:

1. Chemical dependency - gotta get that fix!
2. I love it - its cool and you meet the craziest people.
3. I get bored.

One and two speak for themselves. Smoking is addictive as hell and after a while dictates how you plan your day. Going to work? Got enough smokes to make until lunch when you can get more? No, better get up earlier to get some. Going out to the bar? Got enough to share with the social smokers? Better get 2 packs. It may not seem like much, but over 18 years that is a lot of wasted energy, good bye great American novel. But I loved it, smoking is very social. I cannot tell you how many people I have interacted with over a smoke in the past 18 years. Whether its some flight attendant at an airport or some drunk meat head at a bar, smoking leads to some great stories. I loved watching drunks light cigarettes backwards, I let them do it every time, just for my own petty amusement. So how does someone who is addicted and loves smoking quit? Oddly enough, with more drugs!

Thanks to Chantix, which was developed when some folks making anti-depressants found one that made people smoke less. In case you flunked bio, in your body are receptors which account for things such as pleasure. Nicotine receptors are 'happy' when you smoke and your brain gets so into that pleasure it goes 'ape shit' when you don't smoke. Chantix blocks that pleasant release from the receptors. No more twitching or freaking out, since your brain can forget rather quickly about the receptors pleasure inducing release. Say goodbye to that sensation that makes you want run through people to get off a plane so you can get your sweet, tasty fix you need so badly. Without that fix every smoke feels broken, like they left something out at the factory. I found myself staring at my first smoke on the drug wondering what happened!? No literally staring! No fix intensifies the taste, or makes you aware of it, which is not good without the receptors two cents. Oh and forget about chain smoking, without the fix and with the taste and that heaviness you suddenly notice, ugh. Hold up - its not a miracle cure, no fix makes it easier, a lot easier, damn its pretty easy on this stuff - but still leaves you with the psychological impact of long term smoking, or more simply put - the nasty habit.

Anytime I finished a task, or had trouble starting something I could always use a the tobacco flavored treat to jump start my productivity. Like a dog that won't sit when you tell him, but will be your bitch for a biscuit, I'll do a lot for a smoke. Smoking kept me going, or at least so I thought. Once I started on the drug I thought quitting would be a cake walk, but even with bad taste I still got the urge to smoke. Especially on the weekends. Then I realized it, I was bored. I went out to smoke - on commercials, while my wife played video games I did not like, after surviving a walk with our dog, after diner. Basically anytime something was 'finished' or anytime 'I lost interest'. That realization freaked me out, but more importantly pissed me off. You see I pride myself on discipline and a strong work ethic. When I was slapped in the face with the fact that I was killing time, killing myself, I quickly realized how lame my smoking had become. I always complain that I do not have time to relax and do all the things I want to do, that life is sometimes about half-assing things because no one has enough time. Now there is some truth to that, but faced with the fact that I was wasting time, a lot of time, ignoring important things so I could smoke, made me feel dumb and mad.

So I finished my last pack and said thats it, no more. It was not easy, but it was not hard either. With the drug there was no constant droning in my head telling me something is not right. The thought pops in my head, a smoke would be nice, and that voice is quickly squashed by, go for a run, take out the trash, pick up a book. The longer I go without, the quieter that voice gets. At the same time I am constantly confronted with how dumb I have been. The other night I walked the dog, went for a run, did the dishes, took out the trash and made lunch for the next day. When I was finished it was 8:30pm. When I smoked I was lucky to be starting the walk by 7:45, and likely to skip either making a lunch or doing the dishes, and finished by 9:30pm. As if I needed another reminder about time wasted!

Oh and work? Well I used to think not smoking would hurt my productivity because of those bargains I made with my self about finishing a task and then having a smoke. Well guess what. I spend more time surfing blogs these days and still get more done. On top of that, I tend to get tasks done with fewer bugs. I think that at the end of a task I was already halfway out the door with a smoke and losing focus. I also used to be out smoking and remember forgeting some piece or step in what I just finished. Now, things just get done, at a nice constant, easy, relaxing, pace. Man was I wrong.

I am getting older and maybe my body is backing me up, with the pipes clearing my body seems more eager to tackle the tasks, or may be its the brain - without being preoccupied with smoking my brain is thinking how to get everything done before a game starts, or maybe its the anti-depressent and I am happier. I think was still pretty happy before, so its not the drug. I do think the cloud of crap over my brain and body is a huge part of my renewed productivity and feeling good about myself. Fortunately I found not smoking can be pretty addictive.

P.S. I really dislike that last sentence which reads like a preachy after school special. You know, where a prententous ass gives the moral, but the whole thing drives the message over the top to the point where its so unbelieveable you have no porblem saying that 'won't be me' and lighting up a smoke before the credits are over. You know like the character gives his friend, an olympic swimmer, cancer from second hand smoke and crushes his dreams. It turns out the friend does not have health insurance so he has to die at home with his mom caring for him Then the smoker goes to an ivy league college and becomes a lawyer who then takes on the tobacco company and wins. After that he gets an award and tells his sad story to the public and begs for forgiveness, when out of no where the mother of his friend comes up and cries and hugs him.

I can also see it in a sitcom ending with a crappy music montage over the some eighties song that does not quite fit like Journey's Oh Cherrie, or Poison's Every Rose Has its Thorn, where some dude wins the lottery the same day he finds out he has lung cancer. Then some frail looking judgemental chic is walking in slow motion and gives a sad helpless look and the guy hands her the ticket because he is dying anyway.

Or even worse another played episode of Scrubs where J.D. is distraught over the whole smoking situation for like 25 minutes and then gets distracted by Elliot's tight ass (or is it the roundness) or a fast-talking tongue lashing by Dr. Cox. It would be set to the music of some new Indy band. Of course that Indy band won't be cool anymore because they are discovered and have made it, big time, and their fans only liked them because they were 'undergound'.

I guess sometimes we just know how to blind ourselves to the truth that is right in front of us. Oh god I sound like a jack ass, the only thing separating me from an evangelist is an audience, mirrors, and properly placed 'Praise Jesus' remarks.

Shit, I need a smoke.

Maybe I should submit this as a testamonial to Chantix?


Hulk Smash

Yeah I am a little late on the review, so what. In any case I have some thoughts about the movie, but first a little background. I am a comic book nerd, while other boys put their money into mouse, gel, izods, nu metal, and bad rap I was buying comics. While boys worked part time jobs to get that rusted out fire bird or that lifted truck I was washing dishes, up to my arm pits in old chowder, so I could turn around and dump that money on comic books. While other boys tried figure out how to convince the girls to pay attention to them I was searching for the last issue of the Longshot limited series because he wore leather and threw knives, which is friggin' cool (besides we all just ended up beating off, at least I got something out of it). I sat and gazed longingly at the Todd McFarlain drawn issue where Wolverine fights the Hulk, again. I remember the first issue where the gray Hulk clapped his hands to create a shock wave. Yes there was a gray Hulk, in fact that came before he turned green. That I know these little things should tell you something - I went into the Hulk with expectations. Fortunately those expectations were met.

The Hulk had enough subtle comic references and twists of the old TV show to make me wonder if I was actually dreaming. When they name dropped the creator of the super soldier serum on us I was all whoa! When Tim Roth got his first dose and was running around like Captain America (the first successful recipient of the super soldier serum) I was drooling. When Mr Blue turned out to be Dr Stern (he later becomes the villian the Leader) I nearly ruined my shorts, even if Stern was a janitor in the comics and not a scientist. The only nod I did not like was Dr Sampson - Betties boyfriend, who in the comics becomes Doc Sampson via Gamma radiation and gets his power from his hair. Sorta like a super powered Fraser. If that's not gay enough he later becomes Banner's therapist. Sampson I could live without. By the time Stark showed up at the end I needed a smoke. This is exactly the kind of super hero movie marvel should have been making from the start. Need government involvement - call Shield. Going to New York? You just may see Spiderman and Daredevil. The fact that everything is happening in the same place is a small, but key component.

All of these little things will serve a purpose, they will set up the Avengers movie - which includes both Iron Man and the Hulk, among others. Look at Spider-man, now imagine him running into the Hulk, pretty awesome huh? No?! Well screw you, why don't you ask those hoyty toyty dipshits what movie you should like, or that robot Kurt Loder (I am convinced he is a robot made by MTV). Go see No Country for Old Men, and pay $10 to see some unfinished shit. Sorry skipping the ending of the movie is not cool or hip, its lazy and dumb. Its saying I am so cool I am not even going to let you see how this ends. Please, I cannot turn in half finished websites and call it innovative anymore than a surgeon can do half a surgery. Film makers, bunch of pussies. Anyway, where was I, oh right the Avengers. All this set up of the Avengers is just an extension of what JJ Abrahams started with Lost. He showed we could all be led around by our noses to websites and sneak peaks. He showed that if you make something people actually like they will stick with it. In the end his gone-on-too-long-pretty-people-only-series opened the door for the awesomeness we have today with Iron Man and the Hulk.

Thanks JJ, your show sucks, but you proved to the studios that its better to make superhero movies for those that read the comics, not the tools that beat us up as kids.


Jim Bowden is George Costanza

No big surprise that I have not blogged about the Nats lately. Really do we need my take on the suck factor or who to fire first? Ok I guess we do. After a sweep of the Mariners I am not going to talk about how this is the beginning of better times, but I will give the Nats their due - they sucked less than the Mariners. Really, the Nats got lucky. Casto in to pinch hit?! Excuse me while I check the Deadliest Catch marathon, maybe the fisherman taught a crab how to smoke cigarettes. Actually I watched his at bat or should say watched to see if they walked him, which typically is all you can hope for with Casto's numbers. Casto gave us a great Father's Day, though, his 2 run homer (his first), went off the right field upright into fair territory. Despite boos from the fans the umps conferenced and decided the run stands. Casto's father would later trade two hats for the ball, not bad, not bad at all. So what though, the Nats still suck, and there really is not much to look forward to.

Zimmerman maybe done for the season, and even if he isn't, he is not the kind of hitter who can be productive without some protection in the line up, as we have seen in the past. Milledge and Dukes are not stepping up enough to do much to help. Sure, they can find ways to hit, but not ways to help the team win. Oh, and don't get me started on the pitching - even if they are trying. Bottom line, its a mess out there, and when things get messy where do you go? You go up, because the problem is across the whole team. Do you goto the hitting coach? Maybe, but looking at the hitting last year and this year its hard to wrap your head around what might be going on with the Nats bats. Even if our hitting coach is focusing on the wrong things, with our nucleus on the DL and things still sucking on the grand scale, my eyes turn to GM Jim Bowden.

Jim Bowden should be fired, he blew it in the previous years and put the team in this position. I know - he is building our farm system and we have good prospects. There was nothing masterful in what he has done with the farm system that another GM could not accomplish. Good prospects do not change the fact that he has blown most of our decent trade opportunities. Soriano? Come on, under what circumstances was he going to stay past the season. More importantly if he stayed do you see him playing his heart out for this team while Jim Bowden attempts to do the job he was paid? Sorry folks, Soriano was a missed opportunity, I would have traded those hits and wins back then for some depth today.

Cordero was the second missed opportunity. Yeah he played well, but what do we need a closer for anyway? We ain't contenders, we have holes in our lineup you can drive the Old Town Trolley through, and look at him now - fat and injured. Now we are stuck with him. But what about the farm system? What about it?! Casto, Nieves, Boone? They are OK and have some nice heroics - but really very little to offer in this time of suckiness other than a few bright spots in a bad record. Long story short, Bowden has done nothing to help the Nationals weather the current storm. Bowden missed the opportunities he was given, probably because he went to the Costanza school of professional productivity and took too many naps under his desk.

Sorry folks, DC paid for the stadium, so the Lerners have the money (would have more if there was a name on the stadium too), if Jim Bowden cannot get them to spend some of it or even if he cannot figure out how to spend it, the man is the most worthless piece of the entire Nationals organization. Why should we shell out over priced tickets to see a minor league team play exhibition games with the NL? Because Jim Bowden wants to build the farm system, thats why. Sssshhh, Jimmy is napping and cannot be bothered to deal with the suckage.

Maybe screech should go on a hunger strike until Bowden gets fired. Someone name one thing Jim Bowden has done for this team that some other average GM could not have accomplished?


My Indy Review

Well, I did not hate it. Did I like it? Tough question, I liked the nostalgic trip down memory lane with glimpses of the character I enjoyed in the first three films, but overall the film fits in its numerical position as the weakest of the four. I understand the campy serial roots, which imply unbelievable is part of the game, but the unbelievable we get does not fit with the character. For starters Indy hates the Nazi's (who doesn't), but feels torn with the whole Communist / civil rights stuff. Come on - Indy is not that complicated - unless its archeology and the unknown. Indy is the guy who always brings a gun to every fight and thinks rules just do not apply to him. The Indy I know would shoot any prairie dog for trying to look cute. Where was the romance? No not that, I am sssooo into you now that I know you carried our bastard child Indy - that I hate you because I like you romance. Oh and hello - where was the big ass-kicking throw down? Older and wiser but free of bruises and blood?! Did they blow their budget on CGI rodents, ants, monkeys and not save money for a bottle of schmirnoff so they could tempt some Eastern European tough guy to smack Indy around for a while? Yes it had all the pieces it needed to be great, its just many of the pieces did not fit Indiana Jones.

The movie needed Nazis or at the very least bad guys that embody evil, better to criogenically freeze Indy and thaw him in the 2000's to take down the Bush empire than to pick on the Reds. At least put them in context, have them rescue a russian from some camp or something. The movie needed fun romantic tension between Ravenwood and Jones, how about Indy walks out on her while she is pregnant or something. How sexist is it to turn the drinking, punching, machine gun toting Ravenwood into a friggin' soccer mom? If she can no longer act anymore they should have gotten someone else to play the part. Oh and John Hurt? Hello - super star actor plays a bumbling idiot, you could have gotten the brother from Everyone Loves Raymond to play that part, not Hurt.

Still, I had fun, the Area 51 action sequence was a great throw back. Take out the monkeys, the prairie dogs, the refrigerator, and all Lucas dialogue and it would have been much better. The film just never delivered the right laughs, or any kind of suspense. It felt, well, neutered. Oh yeah - for all that crap with the switch blade Shia should have stabbed someone or thrown the darn thing at someone.

Looking forward to the next Indy movie - Indiana Jones and The Search for the Golden Dentures.



My second game of the season was on Friday April 25th against the Cubs. Given the Nat's struggles and the Cub's successes my optimism was coated in a hard candy shell of doubt. I was surprised by Nats who put up a little lead and then watched it fall away. I cringed when the over-worked Rivera took the field late in the game, knowing in the previous games that Rivera spells relief, w-a-l-k. The guy that stole the show however was Will Nieves, the catcher came in the game late after some pinch hitting changed up the order, and nailed the walk-off home run that stunned Cubs fans and lifted Nats fans out of the gutter of defeat, at least for one night. Nieves also scored his first major league home run with that same swing. Nieves is quickly becoming a Cinderella story for the Nationals.

Nieves was brought up due to the injury to Lo Duca. Nieves has been a journey man, and right now is hitting above .300, better than both Lo Duca and Estrada. Nieves has also been on it defensively, despite there being a ton of stealing going down out on the field, lately. Still the question remains, will Will get sent back once Lo Duca is done with his rehab? I sure hope not! He has also managed a make a strong relationship with pitcher Lannan, who was a major part of Sunday's win against the Cubs. Not only is Nieves helping Lannan show that the Nats pitching is not the stuff of soft ball leagues, he is hitting! With all the struggles the Nats are having why take away a good defensive glove and a good bat?! So what if Nieves will not be able to maintain over the season. Who cares!? I say keep him in the lineup, if for nothing else, than for Lannan, and our struggling pitchers. The Nats took two games from the Cubs, and the fans showed up to the games (Cubs fans helped out with that), and now what - you take away one of our heroes? Fine go right ahead, reward Nieves and send him down to the minors, all he did was play a key role in two of the teams better wins all season - and bring that guy who was doin' 'roids back!

On another note, the wife and I decided to hang back outside the park at the center field entrance to catch a fireworks display. The display was awesome, what was not awesome was the wait at the metro. We were help outside the platform while more trains came, after about 10 minutes they let our group in and waited for the next trains. I am sure this happens at other games, but they terminated several green line trains at Mt. Vernon Sq. so the trains could double back and deal with the bottle neck at the Navy Yards. Great for them, but since I live further up the green line it kinda stunk. I was pretty shocked that 20 minutes after the game there was already a 7 minute gap between trains, as reported on the metro board, and caused a large group to wait outside the station. I was also shocked when trains were terminated at Mt. Vernon Sq. and sent back to the station, leaving us waiting for a green line train to take us further. We watched two trains get diverted back, which was probably great for everyone else, except those living on the green line.

I think that metro should be a little cautious about this tactic. The operator said they would only be diverting our train, but in typical metro fashion, diverted the second train too. The problem with diverting the trains is not just that it leaves me stranded, it leaves the people not attending the game stranded. Now what would piss you off more, being stuck at Mt Vernon Sq after a game, or being stuck at Mt Vernon Sq after work with other people that attended the game? Like it or not green liners are going to be stuck with Nats fans and it would be nice if metro could get some more trains now, and not for the next stadium. At the very least it will keep us fans in good with the folks that rely on the green line to get to and from work.


Nationals Park!

My first game at the new stadium was on April 10th against the Marlins, a disappointing loss to a team that is playing better than I would have expected. I am sure you have heard all there is and all you want to hear about the new park. I followed a lot of the news during opening weekend and on a personal level felt a lot of the coverage was predictable - long lines, and confusion.

I passed on attending opening weekend because I expected there would be problems. Now before you start questioning my fan-hood for passing up on that opportunity, let me ask you one question. In your profession, when you debut something new and big, how often does it go totally smoothly? I have launched enough web sites in my day to know that you can never cover all the bases. I did not expect the opening weekend to be any different. Besides, the focus on opening weekend was primarily the park, I preferred to go later when it would be more about the team.

So, how was it you ask? It was awesome! I share season tickets with a group of fans, and our seats at the new stadium are fantastic! We sit further from the field than at RFK, but have a full view of the field and do not lose sight of the ball as it arches over the tier above, like at our seats at RFK.

The jumbo screen is huge, and while not the largest it ranks very high against other parks. The seats are much more comfortable thanks to new butt padding on the seats. The cup holders are also a nice addition - one less thing to deal with when people climb over you to get in or out of the aisle.

The food and drink options are also great. For the first game I sampled the five guys along the first base line. We arrived at the stadium at about 6:40 and the line for five guys was about 15 people deep and moved quickly. My wife and I were bathing in grease after about 5 minutes of waiting for our food. The only downside is they were pre-filling beers and letting them sit on the counter as you collected your food. They did top off my beer, but later in the season during those hot summer games pre-filled warm beer will not work. The downside is everything is a bit more expensive than it was at RFK - beers are around $7-$8. I have not sampled enough food, but I have to assume its more expensive. I already considered one price saver - if you want to eat at five guys, bring an extra bun. The burgers are all doubles, no junior option like the other five guys, so with an extra bun you get two smaller burgers! Laugh all you want - I mentioned this idea to my wife and she is seriously considering it.

As far as transportation goes I have always been big on the metro since I live in the district. Why drive to work, pay $20 to park, and then more to park at the game? I also live on the green line, so getting home is could not be any easier. I do work on the redline, but the ride from dupont to gallery place still does not justify driving. I tend to leave for games by 6:00, thanks in large part to my boss who is a big baseball fan and has no issue if I say, "Can this wait until tomorrow, I got a game tonight?" The answer is always yes. As many metro-ers know leaving for the game (or any event for that matter) and timing arrival to the start time is going to mean more crowded trains. I honestly did not notice any big changes commuting to Nationals Park vs RFK, except that getting out and into the station was easier thanks to the designated smart trip lanes. The lanes are on the right as you come out of the platform, and move much faster for obvious reasons. So if you need another excuse to get a smart trip - there you go!

So get out to the new stadium and check it out!


100 Things I Cannot do on Metro

Inspired by the famous Skippy's list: 213 Things Skippy can no longer do in the Army, I compiled a list of 100 things that I cannot do on the metro. The list contains things that have crossed my mind while waiting for a train - I actually have never done these things. Some of the items pertain to things I have seen while riding the metro, breast feeding for example.

  1. I cannot push people down the escalator when they stand on the left.
  2. I cannot push people down the escalator when they walk slowly down the left side.
  3. I cannot have the person's bag if it hangs out to the left and blocks me from going down the escalator at a fast pace.
  4. I cannot refer to someone taking a long time to add money to their fare card as 'mission control'.
  5. The money train is not for Metro VIPs.
  6. I am not a Metro VIP.
  7. I cannot tell someone listening to music so loud I can hear it to skip to the next track, because "that song is whack".
  8. I cannot sing/rap along to music people listen so loud that I can hear it.
  9. If someone gives me a dirty look for sitting in the priority seats its not OK for me to start twitching and speaking to myself.
  10. If someone gives me a dirty look for sitting in the priority seats I am not allowed to verify they are senior citizens by checking their drivers license.
  11. The door closing chime has nothing to do with musical chairs.
  12. When there is a crowd waiting to get on a train its not ok to treat the people coming off the train like they are walking down the red carpet.
  13. When someone tries to trade their messed up fare card for my cash I cannot refer them to the station manager.
  14. When someone is caught off guard by a sudden stop or change in speed I cannot run up and hold out my hands and say "I'll catch ya!"
  15. When someone is caught off guard by a sudden stop or change in speed and I run up and hold out my hands and say "I'll catch ya!", I cannot pull my hands back suddenly and let them fall.
  16. I am not the only one who is allowed to make the holds warm from my grip.
  17. When I stand in front of the metro map and someone looks around me to see it I am not allowed to move to block their view.
  18. When I stand in front of the metro map and someone looks around me to see it I am not allowed to tell them metro center was two stops ago.
  19. When there is only one person in the seat, and they take the aisle seat I cannot get giddy and start talking about how awesome the window seat is.
  20. When someone tries to pass me before the train comes to a stop I am not allowed to trip them 'accidentally'.
  21. When someone shares the seat next me and makes a lot of physical contact I am not allowed to put my arm around them.
  22. When someone stares at me for reading a comic or star wars novel I am not allowed to start reading out loud.
  23. When someone stares at me for reading a comic or star wars novel I am not allowed to make sound affects.
  24. If I have claimed the space behind the divider at the front, next to the door, and someone inches in there I am not allowed to inch closer to them.
  25. If I have claimed the space behind the divider at the front, next to the door, and someone inches in there I am not allowed to talk about my rash.
  26. If two people are having a loud conversation about someone they know I am not allowed to pretend that I know the person they are talking about.
  27. When I see people that work with my wife and try to say hi but am ignored, I am not allowed to approach them and I pretend I work at their law firm.
  28. When I see people that work with my wife and try to say hi but am ignored, I am not allowed to approach them and I pretend I work at their law firm and ask them if they finished the brief I assigned them.
  29. When someone tells everyone to move to the middle so they can get on the train I am not allowed to say "I call shotgun".
  30. When someone tells everyone to move to the middle so they can get on the train I am not allowed to tell them to use the middle door.
  31. When someone tells everyone to move to the middle so they can get on the train it's not a race thing.
  32. When someone tells everyone to move to the middle so they can get on the train and I refuse I am not making a political statement.
  33. When someone pushes me so far away so I no longer have a handle to grab I cannot grab onto them instead.
  34. When someone is exiting the metro station and someone repeatedly puts the same fare card in they are not paying for me.
  35. When someone is exiting the metro station and someone repeatedly puts the same fare card in I am not allowed to yell "You're out!" on their 3rd try.
  36. When someone is exiting the metro station and someone repeatedly puts the same fare card, and the person jumps over to my line its not because they want to pay my fare.
  37. When a group stops at the bottom of the escalator and blocks other people I am not allowed to walk up pretend I am with them.
  38. When kids on the metro talk loudly and say, "You wanna know something", I am not allowed to walk over and show interest.
  39. When the trains are delayed and someone makes a phone call to tell people they are running late, I am not allowed to take out my phone and make fake call and say 'Go ahead and start the surgery without me, I need time to sober up anyway."
  40. When the trains are delayed and someone vocalizes their frustration, I am not allowed to walk up and try and console them.
  41. When the trains are delayed due to a sick passenger they do not mean mentally ill. Not necessarily.
  42. When the metro announces delays I am not allowed to put my hands over my ears and yell, "la-la-la I can't hear you!", over and over until the announcement is done.
  43. When the metro announces PSA's I am not allowed to put my hands over my ears and yell, "la-la-la I can't hear you!", over and over until the announcement is done.
  44. When the metro announces the next stop I am not allowed to say man, "I am glad I am not going to that stop, that place sucks ass!"
  45. When a lot of people are getting off the metro I am not allowed to say goodbye to each person individually.
  46. When you are on a super crowded train, armpit to face, its not ok for me to call out "Junior, where are you?"
  47. When I see someone eating or drinking on the metro I am not allowed to collect the fine on behalf of MTA.
  48. Hogzilla does not live in the metro tunnels.
  49. I am not allowed to use "insufferable prick line" in place of "red line".
  50. The train driver does not think its OK for me to press my face against the tinted glass so I can see where the train is going.
  51. When the train is stopping its not ok to yell "Hold on everyone!"
  52. When the train is coming to the stop its not ok for me to stand by the opposite doors, and slap doors when the chime goes off.
  53. When the religous crack pots pass out Jesus trading cards I am not allowed to write an X on it and give it back to them.
  54. When the religous crack pots pass out Jesus trading cards I am not allowed to draw devil horns on it and give it back to them.
  55. When there is a bum sleeping in the corner by the escalator at Du Pont and there is a metro cop there, its not a sting operation to identify people that stand on the left.
  56. When people stand on the left instead of the right and leave a path on the right they are not just moving in slow motion.
  57. When people stand on the left instead of the right and leave a path on the right they are not from england. Not necessarily.
  58. Kids yelling on the metro is not connected to an ear infection epidemic.
  59. Those little things from Wrath of Kahn will not crawl into your ears if you talk on the metro.
  60. The money train is not used to transport toxic waste out of the city.
  61. My boss did not tell metro to only extend the yellow line during non-rush hour so I would work later.
  62. Its not funny to put my arm in my coat and let the sleeve get stuck in the door.
  63. When the driver says there is train directly behind this one its not to hurry us onto the train so things can keep moving.
  64. When the driver tells you to use all open doors he does mean its a challenge to see how many doors you can get in and out of before they close.
  65. I am not allowed to tap a sleeping passenger on the shoulder and pretend its the guy next to me.
  66. I am not allowed to use "paranoid tight ass line" in place of "red line".
  67. I am not allowed to use "dissatisfied single middle manager line" in place of "red line".
  68. The reason there is no metro stop in georgetown has nothing to do the georgetown tight asses not wanting me in their neighborhood.
  69. Metro Police are not Morlocks.
  70. When the train stops every 10 feet they are not testing the passengers susceptibility to nausea.
  71. When the train stops every 10 feet its not because the driver is afraid of breaking the sound barrier.
  72. The access card to my office building will not work in place of my smart trip.
  73. It's not my job to make sure everyone has a bad experience on the metro.
  74. The metro cops do not need me to mark empty food wrappers and drink bottles as crime scenes.
  75. Breast feeding on the metro is not HOT.
  76. Breast feeding a 5+ year old on the metro is not performance art.
  77. No famous rapper got his/her start rapping on the metro.
  78. The kids that refuse to sit on the metro no matter what their parents say are not doing it because they idolize me.
  79. Asking me what the Star Wars book I am reading is about actually makes you look weirder than me - it's about FUCKING Star Wars dickhead!
  80. I am not allowed to collect an asshole tax from people that fight over seats.
  81. Eight car trains do not have two cars designated for smoking.
  82. When a large group of people are getting on a train and some jackass forgets he needs to get off its not OK to line up and make him go through the spanking machine.
  83. No one on the train is interested in a game of duck-duck-goose.
  84. Its not a good idea to challenge unruly children to a game of hide and seek to shut them up.
  85. Parents that turn a metro ride into story time for their kids are not freeing their evenings up so they can get sauced.
  86. Parents that turn a metro ride into story time for their kids do not think its cute when I hand them a Star Wars book and say, "my turn my turn".
  87. No one wants to see my moves on the stripper pole.
  88. Strippers on the metro will not solve MTA's money problems.
  89. Replacing all the seats with video games will not solve MTA's money problems.
  90. The reason there is there is no metro line to Georgetown has nothing to do a secret underground facility where Cheney is cloning a Reagan / Bush hybrid.
  91. The absence of Truant enforcers on metro platforms is not because they are as scared of those kids as I am.
  92. Metro cops do not think a gopher, mole, rat, prarie dog, or worm would make a good mascot.
  93. Throwing change in a kids stroller is not a friendly gesture.
  94. The burning stench in the metro is not to cover up women that wear too much perfume.
  95. Cars do not share the same track because they are lonely.
  96. Train drivers do not make use of trucker bombs because there are no bathrooms on the train.
  97. No matter how hard I wish, Metro will never put in a vertical loop on the tracks.
  98. Being able to ride metro without touching any holds or rails is not a skill I can put on my resume.
  99. When a train listed on the destination board appears with dashes, its not because that train is going to the island in Lost.



You have taken your first steps into a larger world...
--Obi-wan Kenobi, Star Wars: A New Hope

Well that is one way to start off this blog, another Star Wars reference on this page!? Actually it is the best place to start, if you look at it from a certain point of view. It's the best place to start because my first successful blog is about Star Wars. After the last film, Revenge of the Sith, was released I realized it was the end of Star Wars in films. I spent more and more time at starwars.com, and decided after reading blogs of others, hey I can do this!

After a month I realized certain truths about blogging: reviews are not easy to write, if you want to argue a point you better know how to argue, and just because you write about Star Wars on starwars.com not everyone is going to read your blog. However, I did expand my interests, and the most important was reading Star Wars novels.

I have read over twenty of the Star Wars books, so far. I was never a very big reader before, but the more I read the better my writing became. The more I read, the more desire I had to write. The blog got better as a result, and I even picked up a few regulars for a while!

I read a lot more than Star Wars novels this past year. As I branched out in reading I felt the desire to branch in writing as well. I planned to start another blog outside Star Wars so I could pursue newer interests. I planned that blog about a year ago.

I am a web developer so of course I wanted the cooliest ever word press installation, with plugins and all that stuff to make my fellow developers jealous. The plan was in motion, well in my head, and probably on a to-do-list I misplaced, which I am sure include plans for a perpetual motion machine. It takes time, and motivation to put together a complete site. These are two things that were in short supply, between my marriage and my career I had many excuses not to set up my blog.

Its easy to say that I lack the time and motivation to set up my blog. However, its not about motivation or time, its about desire. While I desired a blog where I could write about more than just Star Wars, I did not desire it as much as other things in my life. Time and motivation - there is a bullshit excuse. I have not had enough time to do the things I wanted since I was in high school! So what changed all of a sudden, where did I find the desire? Two things changed, one my wife quit her job and two I got sick of myself.

My wife quit without another job lined up over personal issues with her superiors. Sounds simple, but for me its unimaginable. I could never admit to myself that the situation was totally gone. It was easy for me to say 'quit, you do not need this', eventhough I know I could never do what she did. I let my career define me too much, even to the point that I do not hold myself in as high regard because my current job does not challenge me as much as other jobs. I spend too much time dwelling on what I do not achieve and not nearly enough time dwelling on what I do achieve. So in recognition of my wife's brave move I thought, 'what am I waiting for?'

I got sick of myself. Sick of the excuses, sick of the routine my life was becoming, and sick of the bitching. I am hitting the mid thirties and really I do not put myself out there anymore. I have a good job, an amazing wife, and friends I do not deserve. I hit the realization I am not growing into the man I predicted in my early twenties. I am fine with that, I like the man I have become overall. I am just sick of treading water. Without someone to aspire to, or goals to achieve what is left? What is left are the little things, things too small and insignificant to matter while I was trying to get my career of the ground or my love life out of its awkward and too familiar feeling of a bad Rom-com. The little things are drawing, reading, exercise, and all the other hobbies I let fall to the way side.

I am done worrying about my career. I am done worrying about everything I am not doing. For now at least, I am going to listen to the little voice in the back of my head and start making time for new-old-ignored stuff that has built up.

The first on that list is this blog.